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Getting Started with Survey 123

Many fields, and especially the social sciences, use surveys to gather important data. Survey 123 with Arc GIS allows this data to have a spatial element included so that responses from multiple participants can be mapped.

For my survey I wanted to gather data on what types of beaches people prefer to visit on Oahu as well as their thoughts and emotions regarding the coastal infrastructure found there. I am curious about how coastal erosion, and efforts to mitigate it, impacts people's quality of life on the island. Since the data will include locations around the coast it makes sense for there to be a spatial representation of responses.

I began by created a New Blank Survey. In this creation tool it's easy to drag and drop "content blocks" similar to building a website on a user friendly platform like Wix.

A blank survey allows you to build a survey without a template. As you can see below, I changed the theme to make the survey a bit more visually appealing. As you begin to add content blocks the right side tool bar is your working space and a preview is shown in a larger format to the right.

Once you are don designing the survey, you can publish. Thankfully the program prompts you to look over the format and double check your work. Then it's time to distribute the survey via the Collaborate tab which will allow you to get direct sharing links and codes. This page also allows you to change settings for the survey such as who can access which parts and for how long.

I went to go take my survey after publishing and its a good thing I did because I noticed some typos. To change, I simply went back into the design page, edited, saved and published again.

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1 comentario

Katie Taladay
Katie Taladay
07 mar 2022

Nice work. Have you had any survey responses yet? I took the survey and if you want to engage more folks, consider defining the terms and showing picture examples of what say a "groin" or "seawall" is. This will make your survey more accessible to the general public.

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